
Renowned experts and scholars in the fields of surgery, nursing, anesthesiology and surgical quality, ORDx+Rx team members frequently publish, present and educate in their respective fields. The ORDx+Rx News page serves as a perioperative and surgical safety, quality and efficiency library, providing hospitals, health care organizations and surgical teams with the latest news and essential in-depth analysis.

A Culture of Respect

In A Culture of Respect, Part 1: The Nature and Causes of Disrespectful Behavior by Physicians, ORDx+Rx’s Dr. Gerald Healy and his co-authors discuss the problem of inappropriate behavior during the performance of procedures, which is a [...]

Leading in the OR

The concept of leadership in the operating room has changed from a “captain of the ship” philosophy - where one leader has unquestionable authority - to one where the leader is the coordinating head of a multidisciplinary team. The [...]

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